Is Red Rice Good For Diabetes?


Millions of people throughout the world are experiencing a chronic condition called diabetes. It happens when the body can’t produce or use insulin effectively. Although diabetes has no cure, lifestyle changes and medicines can help control the condition.

When monitoring the carbohydrate count and glycemic index score of your food intake, is red rice good for diabetes? The consumption of this type of rice has gained popularity in recent years. In this article, we will find out if red rice is good for diabetes and how this type of rice will help to improve the patient’s condition.

Is Red Rice Good for People With Diabetes?

Similar to brown rice and white rice, red rice has many health benefits. Red rice gets its appealing red color from a component called anthocyanin and is considered a healthy choice packed with natural goodness.

Red rice benefits diabetic patients and contains a high nutritional value. Red grains are a variety of unpolished rice, meaning the grain’s outer layer has not been removed. This layer provides healthy nutrients than polished rice, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help our bodies grow and stay fit.

Therefore, red rice is a type of rice that helps reduce blood sugar levels. It has a glycemic index score of less than 60, making it a diabetic-friendly food choice and excellent to include in your dietary habits.

What Are the Benefits of Red Rice for Diabetes?

As we all know, red rice is growing popular since it provides numerous health advantages, including preventing various diseases and maintaining good health. So, here are some red rice benefits:

Aids With Weight Loss

Red rice benefits people who wish to maintain weight while helping them with weight loss.

Consists of Antioxidants

This rice contains antioxidants, which aid in removing pollutants from your body. The antioxidant also helps to prevent premature aging.

Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a severe worry for many people these days. This type of rice can help you lower your cholesterol levels.

Good for the Heart

Red rice is good for your heart, and many specialists recommend eating red rice.

Consists of Soluble and Insoluble Fiber

This rice contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. As a result, it is simple to digest. So individuals who have stomach problems can eat this rice.

Increases Metabolism

It aids in the development of your metabolism. Having sufficient calcium assists in strengthening your bone health. It is recommended for senior adults to maintain healthy bone health.

Contains Mineral

This mineral found in red rice helps improve breathing and the lungs’ health.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Red rice has a low GI rating. It lowers blood sugar levels and is beneficial to people with diabetes.

What Are Other Health Benefits of Red Rice?

Many people consciously prefer to include red rice in their daily meals because it has numerous health advantages. Regular rice may elevate blood sugar levels. Thus, people are frequently advised to understand the nutritional worth of different rice varieties.

Undoubtedly, red rice provides several other health benefits besides helping with diabetes. Let’s have a look at some of the other benefits:

Regulates Asthma

Many people are unaware that red rice helps to regulate lung function. It includes a lot of magnesium, which helps control blood pressure and migraines. Regular consumption of red rice can help the body’s oxygen circulation. Asthma is consequently avoided.

Aids Digestion

Red rice is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids digestion and the removal of toxins from the body. As the fiber content of red rice helps in controlling your weight management, it provides a feeling of satiety, and you will not have hunger pangs for snacks and eatables. Red rice has been found in studies to be effective as a natural laxative.

Good for Bones

Red rice is high in calcium, and regularly eating it helps improve bone health. It may even prevent the beginning of bone-related illnesses such as arthritis and osteoporosis in some situations.

Prevents Heart Diseases

While red rice is cholesterol-free, it can help you regulate harmful cholesterol levels. Combine red rice with figs such as anjeer and flax seeds in your daily diet to promote the health of your heart.

Does Red Rice Spike Blood Sugar?

No, red rice doesn’t spike your blood sugar level. The low glycemic index of this rice helps in controlling diabetes and blood sugar levels, which means a diabetic patient can consume this variant and regulate their insulin level by eating this rice in moderation. Aside from that, it also has many natural ingredients that help with sugar balance.

Does Red Rice Have a Low Glycemic Index?

Yes, it does have a low GI score. Red rice for diabetes is becoming increasingly popular due to its low glycemic index score of less than 55, making it effective in preventing spikes in your blood sugar level. As a result, red rice digests more slowly, and glycogen is delivered into the bloodstream more gradually.

How Much Red Rice Can a Diabetic Eat?

If you have diabetes, you should eat rice in moderation. Despite having a low GI score, a person with diabetes should consume 50 to 60 grams of red rice per meal.

Which Is Better Red or Brown Rice for a Diabetic?

The nutritional profiles of red and brown rice are very similar. These two both have cereal germ and a bran layer. Consuming red and brown rice reduces the probability of becoming obese and helps to avoid high cholesterol. While brown rice has all of its beneficial components, it has a GI of a little over 60. Red rice has more nutrient benefits, especially its antioxidant content. It also contains selenium, zinc, and iron and is considered the most nutrient-dense rice variety. Red rice comes out on top compared to brown rice.

Is Red Rice Better Than White Rice for Diabetes?

Red rice has a lower glycemic index and more fiber and minerals than white rice, making it a potentially better choice for people with diabetes. However, It should still be consumed in moderation as it is a source of carbohydrates.

What Is the Best Rice for a Diabetic?

The best variety of rice for people with diabetes is the whole grain basmati rice, which contains resistant starch, copper, and magnesium. It also improves digestion and should be included in your diabetes diet plan. At the same time, lower glycemic index kinds such as basmati rice, black rice, and wild rice are good options for your diabetic meal list. However, prepare your rice correctly, as cooking may significantly increase the glycemic index.

What Is the Proper Way to Cook Red Rice?

The most important thing to remember while cooking red rice is to use a slow cooking method to retain its maximum nutrients. Fast cooking can result in undercooked food. It is also recommended for people with diabetes to cook rice in a pan rather than a cooker and cook their rice with plenty of water.

Following the 1:3 rice-to-water ratio is the right way to prepare red rice. Before cooking, thoroughly wash the rice. Other recipes add organic jaggery and black sesame seeds to satisfy their taste buds with guilt-free rice bowl meals.

Follow these instructions to make a bowl of tasty cooked rice:

  1. Put one cup of rice with three cups of water in a rice cooker pot.
  2. Rinse red rice three times and soak for an hour in water.
  3. After an hour, drain the soaked rice and place it in a pan with a lid.
  4. When the water is boiling, close the lid and cook the grains for a half-hour on low heat.
  5. Turn off the heat when the red rice has soaked up all the water.
  6. Press a few grains between your fingers to check if the rice is soft, and allow the rice to cool completely.

Final Note

If you have diabetes and want to incorporate red rice into your dietary meals, you should do it in moderation and under the supervision of a healthcare provider. The amount of rice you should consume is determined by several factors, including age, physical activity, and diabetes control. These health experts can advise you on the proper portion size and frequency of consumption based on your specific demands and health status.